Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Te Reo maori

Te Karakia o te Atua E to matou i te rāngi Kia tapu tou ingoa Kia toe mai to rangatiaratanga Kia meatia tou e pai oi ki runga I te whenua Kia rite ano ki to te rāngi Humai kia mātou aianeī Hei toro mo matau mo tenei rā Murua o mātau hārā Me matau hoki e muru nei I o te hunga e hara ana kīa mātou Aua heki matou e kawea kia whakawia Engari, whakaoranga mātou i te kino Nou hoki te rangatiratangā Te kaha me te kororia ake(3x) Āmene Patai korero (Asking Question) He aha-”what?” He aha tenei?-What is this? He aha tena?- what is that? He aha tera?- what is that over there? Tenei-something that is next to you Tena-something that is away from you but next to the person your talking to Tera- will alwaysmbe tera Because it is away From you and your friend Your reply will be… He…...tena( next to the other person) He…...tera(away from both of you) Pepa 6. Pounamu Taona 7. Pukapuka Pouaka 8. Pene rakau Turu 9. Ruri Tepu 10. Kutikuti Kei hea? where

Sunday, 11 August 2019


Mara is a smart and determined girl who tries different thing help the little boy pilot fly the star up into the  air. She was sad every time she failed. She thought and kept trying to get the little boy in the sky in the end she used her own plans like a sail.